with Parks Canada Ecologist Dr. Yuri Zharikov
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Ecolodge Classroom @ Tofino Botanical Gardens (1084 Pacific Rim Highway)
$5 admission at the door
We will get together after a full day of adventure and birding to recap the highlights of the day and share observations.
Dr. Yuri Zharikov, Parks Canada Ecologist will then present “Shorebird Monitoring and Beach Patrol in the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve”. The talk will focus on PRNPR efforts to monitor seasonal and spatial distribution of shorebirds in the Long Beach area and their interactions with park visitors over an 8 year period. Yuri will discuss the issues facing shorebirds here in Tofino, as well as PRNPR efforts to mitigate disturbance to migrating birds. Yuri will also present some preliminary results from a recently initiated collaborative study of shorebirds in Tofino that seeks to clarify the patterns of occurrence and habitat use of several different species using radio telemetry.
Dr. Yuri Zharikov was born in the city of Odessa on the Black Sea in what was then the USSR. He graduated from Acadia U in 1994 and Trent U in 1998 with BSc (Hon) and MSc respectively. He then graduated from Uni of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia in 2002 (PhD). Yuri briefly worked at SFU and Uni of Queensland doing post-doctoral research. Since 2007, Yuri has been with Parks Canada Pacific Rim National Park Reserve. Most of his research and professional involvement has focussed on coastal environments in general and shorebirds in particular.