For Barnacles, Sex Is a Real Stretch
with Dr. Chris Neufeld, Associate Director, Education at Bamfield Marine Science Center
Thursday, March 5th, 7:00 pm
Ecolodge Classroom @ Tofino Botanical Gardens (1084 Pacific Rim Hwy)
$5 at the door
For their size, barnacles possess the longest penis of any animal (up to eight times their body length). A necessity when you’re an animal stuck to a rock during your reproductive phase. Dr. Chris Neufeld will be speaking about the fascinating life history of barnacles. From a free-floating larvae to a very well-endowed adult, barnacles are more interesting than you would expect from something that kind of looks like a tiny bump on a rock.
Dr. Chris Neufeld is the Associate Director, Education at BMSC where he oversees BMSCs core educational mission: to inspire the next generation of citizens, to educate the next generation of scientists, and to facilitate real-world inquiry by fostering collaborations between citizens, students and scientists. Chris holds a Ph.D. in Ecology and Environmental Biology from the University of Alberta and held a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Laboratories.
This talk will also be held in Ucluelet:
Wednesday, March 4th, 7:00 pm
George Fraser Room @ Ucluelet Community Center (500 Matterson Rd)
Whether you are into bugs that break down decaying forest debris and turn over soil or sea butterflies that help us monitor ocean acidification, there is something to capture your heart in this year’s Raincoast Speaker Series. Join us for 5 different topics from January to March, each an in-depth examination of one special tiny yet fascinating creature. Expert speakers will share their tales of discovery, and the big roles these tiny animals play.
Raincoast Speaker Series punchcard – attend all five topics to be entered in a draw for an amazing prize!
This year’s topics are: Carpenter Ants, Pteropods, Krill, Barnacles, and Bees
New this year we will be offering the series in parallel in Ucluelet and Tofino. That means two opportunities to see each speaker.
Thank you to Pacific Sands Beach Resort for providing accommodation for our speakers again this year!