Raincoast Education Society
Shaping an environmentally sustainable future for the Clayoquot and Barkley Sound region through education and community stewardship
Explore intertidal eelgrass meadows and learn about the animals that live in this important habitat at a beach seine this summer! FREE EVENT Most of us have probably encountered eelgrass – from spending hours in the ocean alongside these green ribbons, or exploring eelgrass-filled mudflats. Eelgrass meadows create habitat for a myriad of coastal species […]
Do you know what a grey whale likes to eat? How far does a grey whale travel on its migratory route? Come dive in on the Wild Pacific Trail! Free Program! 🐋 Where: Lighthouse Loop of the Wild Pacific Trail 🐋 Time: 10am-4pm 🐋 When: July 30th
Plentiful Plankton! Though you may not always see them – plankton are out there, and some will become a feast for tiny fish or giant whales. Come and observe plankton up close and learn more! Stop by - we will be outside with plankton samples ready for microscope observation of these fascinating creatures. When: Every […]
Kelp protects our coastlines and is the fastest-growing algae in the ocean. Discover more about the wonderous kelp ecosystems underneath the surface on the West Coast! A Free Program! 🌿 Where: Lighthouse Loop of the Wild Pacific Trail 🌿 Time: 10am-4pm 🌿 When: August 6th
Plentiful Plankton! Though you may not always see them – plankton are out there, and some will become a feast for tiny fish or giant whales. Come and observe plankton up close and learn more! Stop by - we will be outside with plankton samples ready for microscope observation of these fascinating creatures. When: Every […]
Explore intertidal eelgrass meadows and learn about the animals that live in this important habitat at a beach seine this summer! FREE EVENT Most of us have probably encountered eelgrass – from spending hours in the ocean alongside these green ribbons, or exploring eelgrass-filled mudflats. Eelgrass meadows create habitat for a myriad of coastal species […]
Have you ever wondered what the inside of a barnacle looks like? How do sea stars eat? Don’t miss the chance to learn more about intertidal life with our RES Interpreters on the Lighthouse Loop of the Wild Pacific Trail in Ucluelet. 🦀 Free Program! 🌊 Where: Lighthouse Loop of the Wild Pacific Trail 🌊 […]
Explore intertidal eelgrass meadows and learn about the animals that live in this important habitat at a beach seine this summer! FREE EVENT Most of us have probably encountered eelgrass – from spending hours in the ocean alongside these green ribbons, or exploring eelgrass-filled mudflats. Eelgrass meadows create habitat for a myriad of coastal species […]
Plentiful Plankton! Though you may not always see them – plankton are out there, and some will become a feast for tiny fish or giant whales. Come and observe plankton up close and learn more! Stop by - we will be outside with plankton samples ready for microscope observation of these fascinating creatures. When: Every […]
Did you know that over 20 species of shorebirds stop in Clayoquot Sound on their spring migratory journey? Fly over to the Lighthouse Loop on the Wild Pacific Trail booth to learn more! Free Program! 🌊 Where: Lighthouse Loop of the Wild Pacific Trail 🌊 Time: 10am-4pm 🌊 When: July 16th & August 20th
Plentiful Plankton! Though you may not always see them – plankton are out there, and some will become a feast for tiny fish or giant whales. Come and observe plankton up close and learn more! Stop by - we will be outside with plankton samples ready for microscope observation of these fascinating creatures. When: Every […]
Black bears on the West Coast are intertidal foragers-meaning they love to eat mussels, crabs and barnacles. The West Coast is one of the best places to learn about bears so don’t miss your chance! Free Program! 🌲 Where: Lighthouse Loop of the Wild Pacific Trail 🌲 Time: 10am-4pm 🌲 When: July 23rd & August […]
Explore intertidal eelgrass meadows and learn about the animals that live in this important habitat at a beach seine this summer! FREE EVENT Most of us have probably encountered eelgrass – from spending hours in the ocean alongside these green ribbons, or exploring eelgrass-filled mudflats. Eelgrass meadows create habitat for a myriad of coastal species […]
Plentiful Plankton! Though you may not always see them – plankton are out there, and some will become a feast for tiny fish or giant whales. Come and observe plankton up close and learn more! Stop by - we will be outside with plankton samples ready for microscope observation of these fascinating creatures. When: Every […]