Raincoast Education Society
Shaping an environmentally sustainable future for the Clayoquot and Barkley Sound region through education and community stewardship
Explore intertidal eelgrass meadows and learn about the animals that live in this important habitat at a beach seine this summer! FREE EVENT Most of us have probably encountered eelgrass – from spending hours in the ocean alongside these green ribbons, or exploring eelgrass-filled mudflats. Eelgrass meadows create habitat for a myriad of coastal species […]
Plentiful Plankton! Though you may not always see them – plankton are out there, and some will become a feast for tiny fish or giant whales. Come and observe plankton up close and learn more! Stop by - we will be outside with plankton samples ready for microscope observation of these fascinating creatures. When: Every […]
This weekend field course will introduce participants to the wonderful world of West Coast Mushrooms. Topics to be covered include introduction to fungi (what are they, and what is their role in our forests?), essentials of collecting and identifying fungi in the field, edible, medicinal and poisonous fungi, cooking with wild mushrooms, and more! Thank […]