Embark on a journey into the extraordinary realm of “Strange Creatures”, where the mysterious and captivating unfold around and beneath. As we delve into the depths of the ocean, discover the mesmerizing dance of salps and pyrosomes, ethereal organisms that drift through the currents, creating a spectacle of bioluminescence.
Explore the vibrant underwater world with nudibranchs, the exquisite and colorful sea slugs that navigate our coastal waters. Venture into the realms of freshwater habitats, where giant salamanders lurk, showcasing their impressive size and unique adaptations. Uncover the secrets of nature’s undead with zombie fungi, peculiar organisms that manipulate their host, creating a surreal and haunting spectacle in the forest shadows.
Dive into the depths of the ocean to discover the enigmatic hagfish, resilient creatures with a remarkable slime defense mechanism. Join us for our “Strange Creatures” series, where each presentation unveils the wonders of these remarkable beings, shedding light on their peculiar behaviors and survival strategies in the often overlooked corners of our planet.
On the Thursdays listed below, we’re going strange, and you’re invited to the spectacle.
April 4: Dr. Douglas Fudge, Hagfish
Previous Speakers:
February 1: Dr. Moira Décima, Salps and Pyrosomes
February 8: Karin Fletcher, Nudibranchs
February 15: Dr. Mizuki Takahashi, Giant Salamanders
February 22: Dr. Andy MacKinnon, Zombi Fungi